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Sunday, March 18, 2018

I Think I'm Going To Make It!

As you know, I have been working hard since early February to get ready for the Catawba Valley Pottery Festival.  That show is next weekend.  If you are interested, here is a website with more information about the festival: 

Today I finally feel like I'm probably going to be ready.  

These bacon cookers didn't get drain holds drilled in them, so I didn't feel like I could sell them as bacon cookers.  I've had them since way back in the fall and finally yesterday got some succulents to plant in them.  I think they turned out pretty nice.  If they don't sell, I might keep one at home because those little plants make me smile. 

I fired a glaze fire on Thursday evening.  Friday morning when I stopped in the studio on the way to work, I realized that I had forgotten to close the peep holes and to put the bricks on the lid of the kiln.  I may have explained this before, but the lid doesn't sit down really tight unless I put something on top to give it a little more weight.  Without the bricks, there's a crack between the lid and the sides. Because it wasn't closed up tight, it took about an hour and a half to two hours longer to fire than it should have.  Most everything turned out just fine.  I was a little disappointed in a couple of my pieces, but they are OK.  Just not what I expected them to look like.  

I brought all those new pieces home yesterday and got them priced this morning.  
Everything of mine from this firing.

I've also go bowls like this that are solid blue and some that are tan and red.

The soup tureen turned out pretty nice.

But the ladles didn't make it.  They shifted in the kiln after I closed the lid and ended up stuck together.  Before you ask, the answer is no.  I was not able to separate them without destroying them both.  The soup tureen will just not have a ceramic ladle with it.

 Some mugs.
 More mugs.
 Still more mugs. 
They don't look blurry in person.  Bad photographer
Even more mugs and a few other things. 

With these things on my shelves at home plus some things from the gallery at A Griffin Pottery and Buffalo Creek Gallery, I am going to have a full display of things that I'm pretty proud of for the show next weekend.  Phew!  

I also loaded up one more glaze fire today that has the last few things that I hoped to get completed before the show next weekend.  Big thanks to Gail and to Vicki who worked hard yesterday to finish their glazing so that the kiln would be full.  

The rest of this week will consist of unloading that kiln, pricing all those pieces, gathering up the pieces from the galleries uptown that I want to take with me, packing up newspaper and bags and table drapes and shelves, borrowing my father-in-law's pickup truck, packing everything up on Thursday evening so that we are ready to head out to Hickory on Friday morning.  

I actually managed to make a couple of small casseroles this weekend too.  

And I replaced the seal on the bottom of the garage door at the studio. It was super easy, but I'm feeling very handy today.  Maybe now more of the leaves will stay outside the studio.  Maybe not.

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