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Saturday, January 27, 2018

This Should Have Been Written LAST Week

I ran out of energy last week before I got to share pictures of the things that came out of the latest glaze fire.

The new Hannah's Coffee House stamp worked out pretty nice.

Soup bowls

Bowls...and a casserole. I was feeling particularly un-creative while glazing.  Did lots of the same glaze combinations.

Some small pitchers

A BIG rectangular baker

Another BIG blue

Lidded casserole

Lidded casserole - something warped.  Not sure if it was the top or the bottom. This piece had to go on the half price shelf.  It's super nice if you don't care if the lid fits.  I was disappointed.


More mugs

Garlic keepers. I took the one on the left home.  The other 3 will be for sale at Treasures of the Earth Pottery Show and Sale at the Cleveland County Arts council in February.  In fact, most of the pieces pictured above will go to Treasurers.

I also made some pieces last weekend.  A lot of pieces really.  Bowls, wine cups, and more small pitchers.

I'm trying out a couple of new designs on the cups.  I tend to not be very impressed with my sketches, so I am trying to reserve judgement on these until they are finished. 

Here are the pitchers after the handles were attached. 

The last thing I made last weekend - Four large utensil holder/vase things.  I gave myself an assignment to see how tall I could get 5 pounds of clay.  The answer was roughly 9 inches.  I feel like I should have been able to go taller than that with 5 pounds, but this was the best I could do.  I'll try again another time and see what I can do.  

Many of those things made it in the bisque fire that I loaded up today.

We had a really great time in the studio today.  Almost everyone was there at some point.  We talked and laughed and some of us even made some pottery.  I wasn't really productive, but I am pooped after having to work a full week this past week.  I got the kiln loaded and ready to go and made a few mugs that I'll finish up tomorrow.  Other than that, I couldn't really get going.

I would like to introduce you to Linda Brown, the newest addition to my little pottery family! She has a lot more experience than I do, and I plan on learning a lot from her. Today, she was throwing cups off the hump.  OFF THE HUMP! I can't do that...yet.
Linda is delightful and is fitting right in.  When I asked her how she felt about appearing in my blog (I would never include pictures or mention anyone by name without their permission), I also told her how great it was to have her there with us today.  She responded with, "It was great. Just like my dream." Well Linda, it is my dream as well to continue to have such a "Happy, Busy Place."  Thanks for adding to the joy.

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