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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Time Flies

These are the pieces that I've made for Cleveland Community College.  Again, I will spare you all the long story of how this has come to be.  I share this picture to prove that I CAN make several pieces that are pretty much the same shape and size.  I've learned that the trick to this is to use tools to help with sizing and shaping. If one uses the same putty knife to measure the inside diameter of the bottom (and to make it flat) and then the same rib to put the curve in the walls on each one, it is a lot easier.

I also selected three of my favorite glaze combinations.  Those glazes are pretty consistent, and I felt relatively confident that I'd get 18 little saucers that were the same colors and would not need a lot of touching up and re-firing.  In fact, out of these 18, only one had a couple of little rough spots that I ground down with a Dremel, touched up with the tan glaze, and put back on the "it-is-ready-to-be-fired" shelf in the studio.

Speaking of CCC, I've gone back to work now and am working to juggle everything that I WANT to do (pottery, train for triathlon, eat, rest) with everything that I HAVE to do (go to work every day, grocery shop, cook).  It's a challenge, but so far I'm doing ok.  Please don't misunderstand--I like my job and enjoy the people that I work with.  I actually look forward to going to work every day, but I had a wonderful summer and was not quite ready for it to be over.  One of my goals for this school year is to work LESS...Seems like I start each new school year with a similar goal.  Maybe this year I'll actually manage to do it!

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