A Griffin Pottery has a Facebook page and an Instagram account. I share stuff regularly there. Its great because my friends and customers can see almost day to day what I'm up to in the studio. I LOVE the interactions I have with folks when I post pictures of new work. However, it makes writing this blog more difficult. I sit down at the computer and it feels like I don't have anything to else to say. I remind myself that there are folks who read this blog that aren't on Instagram and/or Facebook. It doesn't help. I still worry about being redundant and boring.
(Takes deep breath) Getting on with it anyway. If you've seen these pictures already, just scroll on.
The first of the year is a logical time to take time off, but I don't. If sales have been good (and I'm so grateful that they have been), I've got to get started right after Christmas making pots for Treasures of the Earth, the pottery show and sale at Cleveland County Arts Council. That show opens up next week. The pots are made. I've just got to get them priced and my inventory form completed so I can go set up on Monday.
I have a few pieces with leaves that I made with the last few leaves from this fall.
That's a wine chiller there on the right. It has a cane handle on it now.

These soup bowls have been very popular. I've made a bunch of them. Unless they sell between now and the time that I get them packed in a box, there will be 4 of these at Treasures.
In my last post, I mentioned that I had been on a mug making roll. Here are some of the finished mugs. Many of these will go to Treasures.
Some green and brown.
Texture on the outside, red on the inside.
Understated but awesome tan on dark brown clay. These are the same clay/glaze combination as the soup bowls.
Customers love this gray/blue and white combination.

These are on the big side. Sized so that they would work for beer steins or really big cups of coffee or tea.

Did some covered butter dishes.
A covered casserole dish.
Great big casserole dish. Remember the one that was supposed to be a big bowl? Terrible bowl, but good casserole. Ha!
Four bowls that stack pretty nicely.
Here's what they look like unstacked.
More wine chillers. I'll probably take one of these to Treasures, leave one in the gallery at A Griffin Pottery, and take the last one to Buffalo Creek Gallery. I did a bunch of wine cups that coordinate.