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Sunday, March 6, 2011

First Experience "Teaching" Pottery

This week, I've had the opportunity to do a little bit of teaching.  To be honest, I feel inadequate.  I've only been doing this myself for a few years.  But we had success!  My "student" got two lumps of clay reasonably centered and then pulled into something that might eventually be mugs.

I'm finding that this is good for me.  For one thing, it has reminded me how truly far I've come.  It is easy to forget the days that throwing a 1.5 pound mug took all morning.  I also believe that really thinking about what I do so that I can explain it to someone else will help me continue to improve my skills.

I've always said that I didn't really learn calculus until I started teaching it.  The same holds true for pottery!

1 comment:

  1. Susan, you are an excellent teacher. I've had so much fun learning from you.
    "Reasonably centered?" I thought those suckers were centered! Oh well. I'll get there someday.
    Love your blog.
    See you tomorrow!
    Megan Ward, the student.
